Life Skills
Life Skills Development Centre
The Life Skills Development Centre (LSDC) is designed for students under the age of 18 who have been identified as exceptional through the IPRC process with a Developmental Disability or Multiple Exceptionalities.
Students may access the LSDC for one, two or three periods a day depending on individual student needs.
Students may work towards achieving alternative learning expectations which are not based on the Ontario curriculum.
(Photo left: a Life Skills Under 18 student learns to identify money in a numeracy skills activity.)
- Life Skills - Students develop functional literacy and numeracy skills along with self-care, social and life skills.
- Academic Courses - Students may attend courses offered at Holy Cross with accommodations, modifications and alternative curriculum as needed in accordance to the student's IEP.
- Extra-curricular Activities - Students are encouraged and provided with support to participate fully in extra-curricular activities and opportunities available within the school community based on individual student interests.
Life Skills to Community Program
The Life Skills to Community program is designed for students between the ages of 18 and 21 who have been identified as exceptional through the IPRC process with a Developmental Disability or Multiple Exceptionalities.
The focus of this program is to prepare students for post-secondary life based on individual goals. Students work towards achieving alternative learning expectations which are not in the Ontario curriculum.
(Photo left: A Life Skills over 18 student serves coffee to a staff member. Students operate the "Ground-Up Cafe" serving gourmet coffee and tea to learn business, workplace and numeracy skills.)
- Life Skills - Students may gain experience through co-operative education placements, public transportation training and community based activities.
- Academic Course - Students may have the opportunity to attend courses offered at Holy Cross with accommodations, modifications and alternative curriculum as needed in accordance to the student's IEP.
- Extra-Curricular Activities - Student's continue to participate fully in extra-curricular activities based on student interests.