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School History

School History
Students entering Grade 13 (OAC) at Regiopolis-Notre Dame for the 1985-1986 school year were the last to pay fees as private school students. The Ontario government had extended full funding to Catholic secondary schools during the preceding four years.
Then as now, a Catholic secondary education was prized by students and parents alike. Crowding at the school during that year was unprecedented. The school had been built as a senior elementary facility under the funding formula of the late 1970s. In September 1985 there were over 1300 students in a facility built to house 750. Over twenty portables circled the school. The day was divided into six one-hour periods and, in order to stagger the lunch periods, eighteen of the thirty periods were officially "lunch," with one-third of the student body on an unassigned period.
Growth was predicted to continue and so the school administration, in concert with the then Frontenac-Lennox & Addington County Roman Catholic Separate School Board, decided in early 1986 to launch a second Catholic secondary school.
View a video produced to celebrate Holy Cross' 25th anniversary 1986-2011.
HC 25th Part 1 Chapter 1 " A Need, A Fight, A Challenge!"​​
In March a meeting was held in the school Library with the Grade 9 students from the western territory of the Board. The newly-appointed Principal, Mo Daniel, announced that these students would be the pioneers of the new school, as they would be the Grade Ten class of the as-yet-unnamed second Catholic high school. The Grade 9 class would consist of the Grade 8s from the western feeder schools.
historyFirst students attending Holy Cross opened its doors in September of 1986 in quarters leased from the Frontenac County Board of Education. Mr. Daniel was quoted in a Whig Standard article just prior to the school's opening: "There is a misconception that this building (Victoria School) is condemned and therefore is falling apart. It is a beautiful building." Clearly Queen's University agreed, as almost fifteen years later Victoria School was to be renovated and incorporated into the new School of Business.
Holy Cross also held classes in part of Kingston Collegiate, which graciously agreed to share its facility with the new school. Holy Cross began with approximately seventeen teachers and two hundred and thirty-five students. 
View a video produced to celebrate Holy Cross' 25th anniversary 1986-2011.
HC 25th Part 1 Chapter 2 "Our Identify: Our Name, Our Colours, Our Nickname!"​​​
During the next four years, staff and students alike pulled together to create a school community in a less-than-ideal physical facility. The curriculum encompassed all subject areas, including music and drama. A full array of sports and extracurricular activities was offered by the dedicated staff. Students in uniform gamely mingled with the "non-uniformed" student body of K.C.V.I.
During these months and years, much discussion was held by all stakeholders in the enterprise, from students right to the Ministry of Education. Mr. Patrick Slack, Superintendent of Education, had stated from the outset that the Board wished to build a new facility in Kingston Township. At that time, however, the Ministry of Education was adamant that there would be no new schools built as long as there was excess space in public schools. Trustee Bill Hurding encapsulated the spirit of those times when he stated that the best stance was to work hard at making the best use of available facilities while continuing to press for a new high school.
videoView a video produced to celebrate Holy Cross' 25th anniversary 1986-2011.
HC 25th Part 1 Chapter 3 "KCVI Pioneers: Special Moments, Fondest Memories, Proudest Moments!"​​​​
The school continued to grow, adding Grade 11, Grade 12 and OAC courses as those Grade 9s who met in the Regiopolis-Notre Dame Library advanced in their high school careers. Numbers were becoming problematic for the 1987-1988 school year in the shared facility. 
In fact that did not happen. The first graduating class was jubilant in the knowledge that their pioneering spirit, the leadership of their teachers, and hard work by countless persons dedicated to Catholic education, would culminate in the building of a new facility on Woodbine Road in Kingston Township. The Holy Spirit was indeed at work in the hearts and minds of all concerned.
Despite construction delays, the $15-million dollar facility opened its doors to 51 educators and 825 students in September of 1990. Archbishop Francis J. Spence blessed the school at an official opening ceremony of October 28, 1990. The school boasted 110,000 square feet with a state-of-the-art technology wing, lecture theatre, gym, and classrooms ready for the challenges of the 1990s and beyond.
videoView a video produced to celebrate Holy Cross' 25th anniversary 1986-2011.
HC 25th Part 1 Chapter 4 "Home Sweet Home: Our House, Opening A New Era!"​​​​​
Growth continues to be a hallmark of Holy Cross. In 1998 a second gym was added to the facility as well as a permanent addition of two stories with sixteen much-needed classrooms.
In 2001-2002 Holy Cross had an enrolment of 1190 students and 82 teachers. Only two of the teachers who were pioneers in 1986-1987 remain, but their spirit lives on in an enthusiastic staff comprised of both young and highly experienced teachers. Grade 9 student Dave Stevenson predicted what would be perhaps the distinguishing characteristic of the Holy Cross ethos in September of 1986, "I think there is going to be good communication between the teachers and the students." And so it has been.
videoView a video produced to celebrate Holy Cross' 25th anniversary 1986-2011.
HC 25th Part 1 Chapter 5 "New Beginning: Building Traditions, New School Memories!"​​​​​​