Vocal Music
The Holy Cross vocal music program is a dynamic opportunity for students to enhance their skills and development in vocal techniques.
The grade 11 vocal course requires no pre-requisite, nor do students need to have any prior musical experience. Any student in grades 10, 11 or 12 may register for the class. Students will apply the creative process when performing technical exercises and repertoire, and they will work towards developing their self-confidence and expression in performance. The course examines a wide variety of musical genres with a focus on choral/ensemble singing. The vocal class has many opportunities to perform throughout the semester including the Remembrance Day presentation, the Katharine Splinter Memorial Christmas Concert, monthly Masses and their final culminating concert on the Holy Cross stage.
(Photo above left: Members of the vocal class sing their hearts out in front of family and friends at their end-of-year vocal concert.)
The grade 12 course (often combined with the grade 11 class) continues to develop students' individual and choral vocal skills and techniques. Students use the elements of music, and their grade 11 class foundational skills, to continue to create and perform works of increasing complexity. They also have the opportunity to showcase their repertoire in a final concert.
Anyone registered in the vocal music program is permitted to go on the annual arts enrichment music trip to perform and compete as an ensemble. Past festivals have included Disney, NYC, Chicago, Washington and Boston.
(Photo right: The vocal class of 2018 showcase their repertoire during the semester-end evening performance.)