Communication Technology
Communications Technology
TGJ 2O (open), TGJ 3M (college/university), TGJ 4M (college/university)
TGJ 2O (open), TGJ 3M (college/university), TGJ 4M (college/university)

Communications Technology courses are project-based and will provide students with opportunities to acquire the knowledge and skills required to design, use, and manage electronic, live, recorded, and graphic communications systems, specifically in the areas of TV, video, and movie production; radio and audio production; print and graphic communications; photography; digital imaging; broadcast journalism; and interactive new media and animation. These courses will help students understand the effects of communications technology on the environment and society. Students will also examine standards and regulations governing communications technology, health and safety issues, careers in the field, and the importance of lifelong learning, and will learn about the Essential Skills and work habits that are important for success in careers in the field.
Holy Cross offers the SHSM - Specialist High Skills Major in Information and Communications Technology focus program. This program provides students with the opportunity to gain additional experience and qualifications in Communications Technology. SHSM students are required to take a bundle of 4 Com Tech courses (2 grade 11, 2 grade 12), plus 2 credits in a Cooperative Education work placement.
(Photo above: Grade 12 Communications Technology students conduct a video interview for a documentary.)